모셔와 가꾼 아뜨리움/그림보기

Bernard Safran

하늘타리. 2010. 1. 28. 10:07


The Manhattan Bridge 1970, 17" x 24", oil on masonite

The Window 1970, 18" x 24", oil on masonite

The Renovation 1971, 12" x 20", oil on masoni

Gossip 1986, 20" x 28", oil on masonite

The Bookstore 1971, 20" x 39", oil on masonite

Clotheslines 1969, 19" x 37", oil on masonite

The Hat Maker 1971, 21" x 30", oil on masonite


Subway Rider 1971, 17" x 24", oil on masonite

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